Tuesday, June 30, 2009

aka OCD

Having seen IIT-Delhi through the eyes of quite a LOT of students, and ex-students, by reading their blogs here, some dating right from 2005, I have an image in mind. And right now, I also can't seem to decide whether to be a full-on nerd and study 24-7, or balance acads with extracs. What I also know is whatever I decide, is going to have no consequence on what I actually end up doing. Its just that am very pretty 'vela' (see, am getting hold of the delhi slang) and so, fantasise, more than a fair amount, about my life there.
I may discontinue this blog in a fortnight, I don't know what it is, but am in this 'disconnecting' phase. I don't know what I hate so much about right now, but I just want to start afresh. I want to get rid of my old messenger list, my blog, my memories of school, every thing and every so-called friend in my so-called social circle. I hate the fact that this guy who is supposedly this very-good-also-sometimes-called-the-best friend, is going to the very same place as me. I completely despise it.
What is my problem.(?)
I have no idea.
I am, maybe, still a child, like everybody says I am. I live in utopia. I want everybody to be perfect, the way I believe perfect is. Self-Note: Stop. Am not going there.

I am obsessed. I am compulsive. And I am a disorder.
Stay away.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

...where the skies are not cloudy all day...

Okay, let me gloat today. IIT-Delhi. Wow. Thank you so much God.

How-mucho-ever happy the occasion might be, there are always people out to spoil your party, so :D turned to :) and later :( , but now I have decided to be plain :| to them.

Q of the day: Username ka matlab Full Name hota hai?
No points for guessing the ask-er.

R.I.P. - Dreams of getting into IIT-Bombay.

Note to self: Don't be a poophead, IITD rocks!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Look who Pee-d

- By Prashant aka Pee


Why do i even bother with this drag??......

reasons galore....

1)Because That sparkling smile of yours is more contagious than that flu originating from the specie that u belong to :P .
Those neat rows of 'pepsodentesque' teeth flash brighter than u are.(or arent :P)

2)Because your voice is like one of those french wines.....
effervescent and bubbly,sweetish and heady and very addictive.

3)Because i owe my elevated comfort levels with females to you.
My constant interaction with you has resulted in me shedding those unfounded inhibitions and opening up.

4)Because you are the first nerd i made friends with and did not regret doing so. Kudos.

5)because your innocence is like a refreshing breeze in an otherwise sultry world. At times surreal, but endearing nonetheless, your unassuming being rouses my 'elder-brotherly instincts'.

6)Because your feminity is fluently beautiful to behold.
Though at times ostentatious, it cuts a figure right from the pages of some fairy tale for you.

7)Because you once said that i remind you of oliver barrett 3.
Makes me look forward with optimism towards getting a Jenni Cavilleri of my own.

8)Because you are pretty intelligent and other girls, in comparison seem like morons......
Your sharpness makes them dwindle into ungainly side-kicks.

9)Because i never sensed the literary undercurrents in my veins till i met you. You became my muse owing to the obvious reasons.
My pen has come a long way but madame muse remains fickle as always.......figuratively and otherwise....

10)Because your looks have displaced my normally adamant stand to the complete opposite end of the spectrum.
The nasty criticism morphs into praise as realisations strikes me.
The quaint little ugly duckling is transforming into a magnificent swan and i cant help but gape shamelessly.

11)Because your preachings seriously rival the ancient gospels.
Whether it is egging a slacker to take on a topper or convincing a disgruntled son to reconcile with his fiery dad, the goodwill that you disseminate only adds to your angelic persona.

12)Because you put up with me day in day out and still manage to retain your sanity.
The fact that i can get hopelessly irritating at times, and still you persevere, makes the absence of a halo around your head, even more conspicuous.

13)Because your curly tresses are a scene of controlled chaos.But somehow, even this controlled confusion in your dense foliage compliments your looks positively.
For a change, i am not disturbed that a part of you is not 'straight'......:P

14)Because you appreciate my sense of humour and that is very gratifying as i am used to haveing my spontaneous slapsticks, dismissed as mere PJs..

15)The endless hours spent chatting with you are the slivers of time, i most cherish.
And, when you are long gone(god forbid), the archived conversations will bring all the happy recollections surging back.

16)Because you are cute and annoying at the same time and surprisingly, even this cocky combo doesnt blow my otherwise short fuse off.

17)Because all that pep talk of yours enlivens the being and arrests the sagging spiritswhen i feel languid and loserly.

18)Because you call me pee.And if anything, i only like being called so.

19)Because you are so different and cosmopolitan in comparison with those guys from UP that i encounter at the wormhole.
Makes it so much more easy to identify with you.

20)Because you managed to convince a serial procrastinator like me to start a blog and if i am enjoying the experience, i needn't look any further to express my gratitude.

21)Because my fb account is indebted to you.
It is finally in reckoning after you came along after months spent languishing in disuse.

22)Because you enabled me to re-establish contacts with suyash and build upon an old acquaintance.

23)Because the out and out achiever that you are, i often find myself boasting of your achievenments.
Inspires me to make this world, my oyster.

24)Because you are you and there is no second.
There never was, nor can ever be some one like you.
never change princess........YOU RULE.


[x] yourself!

[x] You love hoodies.
[x] You love jeans.
[] Dogs are better than cats.
[] It’s hilarious when people get hurt.
[] Shopping is torture.
[x] Sad movies stink.
[x] You own a car racing game. On My PC ;)
[x] You played with Hot Wheels cars as a kid. Rarely, but yes!
[] At some point in time you wanted to be a fire-fighter.
[] You owned a DS, PS2, N64,or Sega.
[] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
[x] You have watched sports on TV. Heh. Who doesn't watch cricket in India!
[] Gory movies are cool.
[x] You go to your dad for advice.
[] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[] You used to collect hockey cards
[] Baggy sweats are cool to wear.
[] It’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[x] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[] Sports are fun.
[] You talk with food in your mouth.
[x] You sleep with your socks on at night. In trains, when I want least contact with the open surfaces, I freak out in trains, I think everything is dirty!
[] You have fished at least once.

[x] You love to shop. I live to shop.
[] You wear eyeliner.
[x] You wear the color pink. I am surrounded by pink!
[x] You go to your mom to talk.
[] You consider cheerleading a sport.
[] You hate wearing the color black.
[x] You like going to the mall.
[x]You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[x] You like wearing jewelry. With Sarees or Lehengas and stuff.
[] You cried watching The Notebook.
[] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
[x] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[x] You don’t like the movie Star Wars. I hate the posters, never got to the movie!
[] You are/were in gymnastics. Like physical labour?! Me? :P
[x] It takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up. When I want to look major pretty, but doesn't matter 'cause I end up looking the same. Bleh.
[x] You smile a lot more than you should. I laugh, giggle, get into trouble.
[] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[x] You care about what you look like.
[x] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[x] You like wearing high heel shoes.
[x] You used to play with dolls as little kid.
[] You like putting make-up on others. Gross-ness.
[x] You like being the star of everything.
[x] Pink is one of your favourite colors.

Appearance •

[x] I am shorter than 5′5″. Just a bit :(
[] I have many scars.
[x] I tan/ burn easily.
[] I wish my hair was a different color.
[] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[] I have a tattoo.
[x] I am self-conscious about my appearance.
[x] I’ve had/have braces.
[x] I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger.
[] I have more than two piercings.
[] I have / had piercings in places besides my ears.

• Embarrassment •

[x] I’ve slipped out a “lol” in a spoken conversation. More or less.
[] Disney movies still make me cry.
[x] I’ve snorted while laughing.
[x] I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.
[] I’ve glued my hand to something.
[x] I’ve laughed ’til some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
[] I’ve had my pants rip in public.

• Health •

[] I’ve gotten stitches.
[] Broken a bone.
[] I’ve had my tonsils removed
[] I’ve sat in a doctor’s office with a friend.
[] I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
[] I’ve had serious surgery.
[x] I’ve had chicken pox.

• Traveling •

[x] I’ve driven / riden over 200 miles in one day.
[] I’ve been to Canada.
[] I’ve been to Cuba.
[] I’ve been to Niagara Falls.
[] I’ve been to Ottawa.
[] I’ve gone to Sudbury.
[] I’ve been to the Caribbean.
[] I’ve been to Europe.
[] I’ve been to Florida.

• Experiences •

[] I’ve gotten lost in my city.
[x] I’ve seen a shooting star.
[x] I’ve wished on a shooting star.
[] I’ve seen a meteor shower.
[x] I’ve gone out in public in my pyjamas.
[x] I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[x] I’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. If its the heart, yes.
[] I’ve been to a casino.
[] I’ve been skydiving.
[] I’ve gone skinny-dipping.
[] I’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[] I’ve crashed a car.
[] I’ve been skiing.
[] I’ve been in a musical.
[] I’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue.
[] I’ve seen the Northern Lights.
[x] I’ve sat on a rooftop at night.
[x] I’ve played a prank on someone.
[x] I’ve ridden in a taxi.
[] I’ve seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[] I’ve eaten Sushi.
[] I’ve been snowboarding.

• Relationships •

[x] I’m single.
[] I’m in a relationship.
[] I’m engaged.
[] I’m married.
[] I miss someone right now.
[] I’ve gotten divorced.
[x] I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
[] I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.

• Honesty / Crime •

[x] I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t.
[x] I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.
[] I’ve snuck out.
[] I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
[x] I’ve cheated while playing a game.
[] I’ve ran a red light.
[] I’ve witnessed a crime.
[] I’ve been in a fist fight.
[] I’ve been arrested.

• Death and Suicide •
[x] I’m afraid of dying.
[x] I hate funerals.
[] I’ve seen someone / something dying.
[] Someone close to me has attempted / committed suicide.
[] I’ve written a eulogy for myself.

• Materialism •
[] I own over 5 rap CD’s.
[] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime
[] I own REAL designer purses, costing over $100 a piece.
[] I own something from Pac Sun.
[x] I collected comic books.
[] I own something from The Gap.
[] I own something I got on E-Bay.
[] I own something from Abercrombie. :O I always thought I was way materialistic!

• Random •
[x] I can sing well. Mum said so:P
[] Stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
[x] I open up to others easily. Sometimes too much, to too many people!
[x] I watch the news.
[x] I don’t kill bugs. They kill me.
[x] I sing in the shower.
[] I am a morning person. Nocturnal animal, more like it.
[x] I paid for my cell phone ring tone. The Previous one, yes.
[] I am a sports fanatic.
[x] I twirl my hair. Thats supposed to be a preening gesture, and I do it a lot, means I have a crush on everybody around me?
[x] I care about grammar. Totally. If you don't like grammar, I don't like you.
[] I have “?”’s in my screen name.
[x] I love spam.
[] I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day.
[] I bake well. If Shuvi = Cook, Bake = Burn.
[x] My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange.
[x] I would wear pajamas to school.
[] I know how to shoot a gun.
[] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS...EvErY nOw AnD tHeN.
[x] I laugh at my own jokes. When nobody else does, just to feel better, like now:P
[x] I eat fast food weekly.
[] I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
[x] I can’t sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[x] I am really ticklish. Like Really Really.
[x] I like white chocolate.
[] I bite my nails.
[x] I’m good at remembering faces.
[x] I’m good at remembering names.
[x] I’m good at remembering dates.
[x] I honestly have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[x] All my answers were totally honest. Maybe. Maybe not. :P