Saturday, November 28, 2009

I think I'm falling for you

Check out last Saturday's issue of Mint(HT supplement).

At least for the next four hours, after which, I start whining about academics, roomies and fatty acids.


Cookie - "She called you a donkey."
Zookie - "Wow. How accurate."
Cookie - "I love that word."
Zookie - "She or called or donkey or..?"
Cookie - "Teehee. You. You are my favourite word."
Zookie - "You mean 'you' is your favourite word."
Cookie - "No. I mean you are my favourite word."


Me and C went to Select Citywalk after the exam today. She had to get a birthday gift for somebody she is 'just friends' with. Anyway, so we ended up walking for four hours and could decide upon nothing. Blahness. Total blahness. Plus we weren't focussing on the task at hand. We spent quite a bit of time at 'Mothercare' going all 'EEEEEEEEE' at all the aww-somely cute teeny tiny thingumjigs over there. And also the Kids Section at Pantaloons. And Shopper's stop. Some days I feel so domesticated. And all housewife-y. Like when I Diwali clean-ed my room. Or when I organise and reorganise my cupboard(I could never understand why my Mom loved doing that). And when I yell at my roomies if they don't have meals at the proper time, or don't take their meds. Okay yes, I know I do those things too, but then I have somebody to yell at me too. Oh and its nice to have people yell at you. But then if its nice people we are talking about, you don't care if its yelling or shrieking or plain sweet-nothing-whispering as long as they're talking to you. :) Sheesh. I make it sound like such a favor. Or maybe it is. And and, don't you love 'tu jaane na' from the ajab movie? And and, aren't momos the best thing about Delhi?

No, they are not. The best thing about Delhi is its crowd. **[Excluding certain IIT Profs here]
Nice warm sweet. And also very very dressed up all the time. Random pretty woman in Select Citywalk showed us the way to the Metropolitan Mall. Like got up, and walked us half the way. Shweet no? And it could also be the fog. Or the beeyootiful IIT campus, and the MS, and the sight of the MS through that fog in the mornings. I like the fog. It gives you clarity of thought. [ironic, I know]. Teaches you to overlook certain blemishes, and that everything, in persepective, is pretty. Though I don't really get the point of all girls having rebonded (straightened) hair in here, I mean, whats the point? You end up looking the same. Like the next girl in tow. Okay but that may be me obsessing because I have hair which doesn't fall in the domain of either straight or curly. Its just intermediate. And I hate intermediate. It, in some weird way, stands for mediocrity for me. And while on the topic of best things about Delhi, let me not forget my Knights And Dames In Smiling Armour. So, three point two five cheers to Pouty Poo, Novo, and the Depletor of my Cellphone balance, TheDarkLord. Maybe my CS roomie too, agreed she has more wildlife in her head than Kaziranga, literally and metaphorically, but in all her buffoonery and rigid idiosyncracies, I think I have found a golden heart too, and she thinks I give the warmest hugs ever. So double brownie points.

Its been a measly peasly four months and I already have a memory bank, which I look into on and off, to gorge off on some sweet tidbit whenever the sugar levels are low. Maybe this is Delhi's gift to me. The memories. The random walks in and around the campus. Cafe Qahwa, Subway, Barista, Rainbows, Scissors, Archies. And when I go past them again, they bring a smile to my face. The tree I had sat down under listening to your stories. Random hugging on account of obtaining tickets to 'Love Aajkal'. Outside Priya. With people staring. One Tight Slap followed by 'It hurts' under 'Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner'. Passing out in the Chemistry Lab. And then being fussed over. The awkward lunches at SipNBite. The 'fanta' treat. The eerie calmness of the road to Green Park. The watchman you had asked directions from, to IIT. The shop in Jia Sarai we had walked a mile for, for a Sprite. Which you jhutha-ed anyway. And the fact that I am okay with jhutha now. Mind you, just yours and C's. The Ber Sarai book trip. Running across floors in the MS till 3 in the morning. Embarrassed. Trying to hide. 'Shutaap' on the pseudo-terrace in Citywalk. Walking into Levi's and going 'Anything under 300 after discount?'. The Password sharing ceremony at the Roundabout. Holding hands to sleep. Sharing blankets. Cuddling. Crying on the stairs of Bharti building. Crying five minutes to my eighteenth birthday. Getting lost on the highway. Watching you sleep in CYL. Bawling into your arms the night before Minor 1. Getting up, close and personal with Nitin Jain. *Okay, no up, no personal, but just a metre away. Ooh.* Going all 'Oh I am so going to miss you' and then not talking for days. Singing (if it can be called so) 'White Flag' at the top of our voices 3 hours before the MEL110 major. The Momos at SDA. The Kathi Rolls in that very shady street. Candles at India Gate. India-ness at India Gate.
So, this is to Delhi *with its 'dil' and all, i don't know about its 'dil', but it sure has mine* , I think I'm falling for you. :)

The Hedonistaah is disappointed in the wizard of Uz. I thought we could do better than that. I thought you knew me better than that. 'So much for my happy ending' and all..

And, chinkypoo, you know why I like you so much with your twisted psyche? Because it gels so well with mine. Our psyches twist together, in tandem, like the two strands of the double helical DNA. :)


Abhilasha said...

I'm glad you're falling for the city I'm already in love with, heart and soul. :)
Well written.

Vasudha said...

You make me want to do this Delhi photoo series rightdamnnow.
This is one of the most beautiful, intricate and nicest things I've read in a long time. The sort of post you can't help but read with your lips curling up in a smile. And what helps even more is that it's about one of my favouritest things ever. :)