Monday, June 15, 2009

Look who Pee-d

- By Prashant aka Pee


Why do i even bother with this drag??......

reasons galore....

1)Because That sparkling smile of yours is more contagious than that flu originating from the specie that u belong to :P .
Those neat rows of 'pepsodentesque' teeth flash brighter than u are.(or arent :P)

2)Because your voice is like one of those french wines.....
effervescent and bubbly,sweetish and heady and very addictive.

3)Because i owe my elevated comfort levels with females to you.
My constant interaction with you has resulted in me shedding those unfounded inhibitions and opening up.

4)Because you are the first nerd i made friends with and did not regret doing so. Kudos.

5)because your innocence is like a refreshing breeze in an otherwise sultry world. At times surreal, but endearing nonetheless, your unassuming being rouses my 'elder-brotherly instincts'.

6)Because your feminity is fluently beautiful to behold.
Though at times ostentatious, it cuts a figure right from the pages of some fairy tale for you.

7)Because you once said that i remind you of oliver barrett 3.
Makes me look forward with optimism towards getting a Jenni Cavilleri of my own.

8)Because you are pretty intelligent and other girls, in comparison seem like morons......
Your sharpness makes them dwindle into ungainly side-kicks.

9)Because i never sensed the literary undercurrents in my veins till i met you. You became my muse owing to the obvious reasons.
My pen has come a long way but madame muse remains fickle as always.......figuratively and otherwise....

10)Because your looks have displaced my normally adamant stand to the complete opposite end of the spectrum.
The nasty criticism morphs into praise as realisations strikes me.
The quaint little ugly duckling is transforming into a magnificent swan and i cant help but gape shamelessly.

11)Because your preachings seriously rival the ancient gospels.
Whether it is egging a slacker to take on a topper or convincing a disgruntled son to reconcile with his fiery dad, the goodwill that you disseminate only adds to your angelic persona.

12)Because you put up with me day in day out and still manage to retain your sanity.
The fact that i can get hopelessly irritating at times, and still you persevere, makes the absence of a halo around your head, even more conspicuous.

13)Because your curly tresses are a scene of controlled chaos.But somehow, even this controlled confusion in your dense foliage compliments your looks positively.
For a change, i am not disturbed that a part of you is not 'straight'......:P

14)Because you appreciate my sense of humour and that is very gratifying as i am used to haveing my spontaneous slapsticks, dismissed as mere PJs..

15)The endless hours spent chatting with you are the slivers of time, i most cherish.
And, when you are long gone(god forbid), the archived conversations will bring all the happy recollections surging back.

16)Because you are cute and annoying at the same time and surprisingly, even this cocky combo doesnt blow my otherwise short fuse off.

17)Because all that pep talk of yours enlivens the being and arrests the sagging spiritswhen i feel languid and loserly.

18)Because you call me pee.And if anything, i only like being called so.

19)Because you are so different and cosmopolitan in comparison with those guys from UP that i encounter at the wormhole.
Makes it so much more easy to identify with you.

20)Because you managed to convince a serial procrastinator like me to start a blog and if i am enjoying the experience, i needn't look any further to express my gratitude.

21)Because my fb account is indebted to you.
It is finally in reckoning after you came along after months spent languishing in disuse.

22)Because you enabled me to re-establish contacts with suyash and build upon an old acquaintance.

23)Because the out and out achiever that you are, i often find myself boasting of your achievenments.
Inspires me to make this world, my oyster.

24)Because you are you and there is no second.
There never was, nor can ever be some one like you.
never change princess........YOU RULE.


smalltown_girl said...

sigh.. :-D
my fav was the love story bit :-)

The Hedonistaah said...

love story, forever and always!:)

suyash said...

wow, i love this, this is the sweetest thing i have ever read