Monday, August 3, 2009

Delhi Diaries: The Gyaan Guru Speaks

#Never go walking anywhere in Delhi. The supposed 'pavement' has a number of surprises in store for you, including puddles and potholes. Plus, a lot of drivers get their kicks by zooming an inch past you even when the whole road is available.

#Don't drink 'thandi lassi' at dodgy outlets even if you feel you are near-death. Trust me, a throat on fire is the last thing you want when you've already burnt the last calorie in your body.

#Don't go shopping at places where you think you'll get stuff cheap. The only cheapos you come across are people.

#The 'Excuse Me' culture doesn't work here. They'll just push you out of their way. Gives a whole new dimension to the adage 'Creating your own opportunities'.

#Staring back at people who stare at you doesn't help. They'll just stare harder. And will also probably like it.

#The Autowallahs are the sweetest people. Usually 'Happy to Help'. :)

# Don't drink Lassi, 2 glasses of Pepsi, and Orange juice one after the other. You may be very thirsty, but your tummy exploding is not a nice feeling at all.

This post was written after a particularly excruciating and fruitless trip to Ber Sarai. If I sound uber-pissed, its probably because I am.


Abhilasha said...

Okay, I don't know if you're new to Delhi or something (are you?), but trust me, Delhi has the meanest autowallahs EVER.
This I say from profound experience of spending thw whole of my life in this lovely city.
They'll charge you twenty bucks extra for NO reason at all, so please, careful.
And, what is with you and lassi? I hate lassi.
And, another thing, excuse me doesn't work here because 'Get out of my friggin way!' does.
You'll adjust. :P
And you'll probably never fall in love with it, but you'll never forget it.

(Okay, if you are NOT new to Delhi, all of this doesn't make ANY sense. So, pardon me. For unecessary advice.)

The Hedonistaah said...

I'm from Ahmedabad.
They could be mean, but they helped a lot with the directions yesteray, with a smile.:D
I hate 'lassi' too. 'Thandi' was the keyword. :P

I like Delhi in parts. Ever been walking from Green Park to IITD? Its the prettiest path in the universe, lined with huge trees and dim lamps, looks magnificently charming at night.

Raving much?


Abhilasha said...

Oh, ignorant me. Really now.
Oh, yeah maybe they help you if you tell them you're new. But they won't really do that free of cost definitely!
And, hello, I like the WHOLE of Delhi. Better still, I LOVE IT!! And yeah, south Delhi is really pretty, with all that greenery working at it.
Come out with me sometime, when you're bored enough with that idiotic hostel of ours. Not that I'm the best guide to Delhi you'd ever find, but just that it'd be fun..

The Hedonistaah said...

I will, I will. :)

Disha said...

Haha, Lasha's right. Mean, mean, MEAN autowallahs. :|
Some are drunk and break traffic rules too.
So be careful.
And tag along with Lasha!
Both of you could come to my place and we can go to the Rajouri malls together :) Or CP!
Just take the metro. (:

Novocaine said...

Weird people always find them in weird situations... :P

Abhilasha said...

Disha: Yeah sure, I like that idea. That way I could meet you too :D
And then Shuvi'd have a good guide for herself, something that I shall never be. :P

Abhilasha said...

Disha: Yeah sure, I like that idea. That way I could meet you too :D
And then Shuvi'd have a good guide for herself, something that I shall never be. :P

The Hedonistaah said...

DQ - Will do. ASAP. I'll talk to 'Lasha' and message you? Seen LAK yet?

Lasha - Shuvi don't need no guides. She's been to Delhi enough times already. :P Plus, I like asking random people for directions.
I know I am weird. :|

Novocaine - Meanie. Treat cancelled! :P

Disha said...

EEE. Meet me.
BOTH of you. :\