Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Three Mistakes of My Life

*Strictly in alphabetical order*

Amrita: I was introduced to her by Kiran Ma'm(our Hindi teacher) when I had changed schools and wanted someone to take notes(copy Q&A) from. My Hindi was as crude as it could get, and hers was, well, Sanskrit. The only words I understood were 'hai' and 'tha' and 'kya' and 'kyun'. But she helped me learn. I always depended on her for Hindi. I remember her dictating answers to me on the phone, patiently, benevolently. I remember her laughing when I told her I'd written 'Vara' as the feminine word for 'Var' in our Hindi test. I remember her laughing even more when I cribbed it wasn't given anywhere in the textbook. And ha, I pipped her in Hindi in the tenth boards, I got 96, and she got 95. Yet, 95 out of the 96 marks I got, are unquestionably accreditted to her. I remember talking to her on the phone on the day the tenth board results were declared. I remember both of us being super-scared of failing. I remember she was still on the phone when the CBSE website(late by 8 minutes) finally updated. And I remember us having the same total. 576/600. The one result in my life I'll always cherish. And who better a person to share the utter bliss with. I remember eleventh and twelfth, and its trials and tribulations. I remember the stupid jokes we cracked, and still could never stop laughing at. I remember us crying together on your birthday, you consoling me. I could never. You refused to be "consoled". I remember you yelling 'molestation'. When somebody stared. :|. I remember holding hands when test papers would be distributed. I remember cuddling up in class, sitting so close the teachers thought we were gay. You always knew the best thing to do in a given situation. I always always always looked up to you. You knew me inside out. You would know why I buried myself inside my bag in class. You would know when I was going to cry. Sometimes the most trivial of things hurt me, and you knew every one of them. You knew of all the times I'd wronged, but you never judged me for them. One of your many qualities I hope to emulate. I never told you I love you, I know both of us are a little edgy with PDA, but I know you know. And I know you'll accept it. And me. Without question. Forever.

Rashi: The Princess of Poise. The Propah one. With not a single hairstrand out of place. The only other person(the other being me, of course :P) in our group(of diplomacy queens) who would speak her mind. And that's why we had a lot of arguments in our first year together. And that's why we never had any grudges. Because we always said what we felt. Coming back to the point, the proper girl who always knew how to control her words and her voice, unlike me who would yap around in my very screech-y voice. I remember my fun-est day this summer. The day we spent doing a lot of illegal things, the sales lady knocking on the changing room doors when we were locked in, rather gleefully, for one and a half hours, I remember me saying the dress isn't coming off, them laughing, us laughing, at entirely different things, of course. Trying to look all normal in front of the guards. And how we scampered off as soon as we were out of his sight, and reach. I have seen you stand brave. I have seen you smile in duress. And I have learnt. Courage. *And also poise, I can never miss that word when I talk about you* You would do anything for the people you love, and you know how to make them feel special. You would shut me up when I would, as usual, be letting on more than I should in front of the wrong people. You have, unknowingly, protected me from a lot of image-damage, if I may say so. :D. And I'll always be grateful to you for that. And for a lot more things. Maybe this writeup is relatively shorter, but one thing's for sure, without you in my life, I would be much more crappier than I already am.

Ujjwala: The constant butt of all my jokes. You have, unintentionally given us a lot of comic relief in these last two pretty stressful years. And you still continue to. Like Now. And maybe the fact that you never mind is maybe the best thing about you. Or not. You're like the storehouse of virtues. Public Confession: She made me study, whatever little I did. If it weren't for her, I would probably be in Polytechnic somewhere or something like that. She would be the one I would call up and whine when I had done nothing the whole day with an exam the day after. It was like our ritual. Before e.v.e.r.y. exam. And she would unfailingly try and make me feel better, even when there was nothing to feel better about. I looked up to her. She was the sensible serious child. Who would 'feel guilty' if she watched TV for ten minutes on Diwali. Now, that was like the other end of the spectrum, but it was her I wanted to be like. Super hardworking. And I am still trying. But she left me in favour of IITK. :(. I was the rebel. She was the conservationalist. Somewhere in our two years together, I guess we moderated each other. She's the one who's never afraid of asking questions. Of sounding stupid. Again, something I want to learn from her. I remember her goofy toothy grin. And I am dying to watch her laugh again. I remember talking late into the night with her. Like proper 2 o clock late. Before the JEE results. Before the XII results. I remember sharing fears. Dedicating songs. Disclosing secrets. Whatever little I had. Dreaming up perfect love stories together. Our common love for books/movies. Of those kind. Celebrating when Mia chose Michael. Singing aloud, badly. Laughing at 'Intregation'. Laughing at everything. Laughing at nothing in particular. The Zoya Factor. Yawning in mechanics together. The Capacitance class we both slept in, because of the sleepover the day before *in which nobody slept*. And four months of not knowing what capacitors are all about. Cribbing about rotation. And life in general.
I really hope things materialise between the Asscoordi(!) and you, 'cause when you're happy, I'm happy. :P

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