Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How The Hedonistaah Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life

Well, that was kind of on the agenda for college, but things aren't going as per plan, whats new? I am not exactly having 'the time of my life'. I study because I have nothing else to do. How pathetic is that?
They say you learn all of life's best lessons in college, I agree. I have learnt.

> To wash clothes.
> To coexist whine-less-ly with creatures having more than 3 pairs of legs.
> To survive with a 5 hour sleep, rice for lunch and dinner, and no breakfast.
> To get my own glasses of water.
> To sleep with people who sound the 'Extreme' alarm on your 'Gross-o-meter'.
> The pros and cons of giving into those guilty pleasures. Actually just the cons.
> To stop cribbing. *Eh, what am I doing now?*
> To use stinky loos housing beauties which served as extras in 'the Exorcist'.
> To wear clothes inside the shower, which is exactly 1 square foot in area.
> To overcome my dettol-addiction.
> How it feels to be snapped at. *No, its not somebody in campus*.
> What Charlie Chaplin meant by "I love walking in the rain, 'cause noone knows I'm crying".
> There's no place like home. I always believed so, but now the faith is like Reinforced Cement Concrete.
> That I can be super-pseudo when I want to. Bad bad girl.
> That I can be super-selfish, super-irritating, super-bugging, esp. to this one super-nice guy, if you're reading it, which I hope you are, I am terribly sorry, for the millionth time. Your the first person I completely adored in here, and I have a hunch you'll be the last.
> Nobody fusses over you the way your parents do.
> To stop being so hopeful. It doesn't help.

You three, you know who you are, I'll always love you mostest, and the more I see the people here, the more I miss you. Its called the Theory of Relativity. ;)

PS - And again, you three, don't get all scared and call me up after you read this. I am not suicidal, not yet.


Novocaine said...

Ha - It used to be good in our times (or maybe bad) - I never got any time to 'think' what to do. All through my first year I was just 'acting' (theater I mean)!

But even if I had not been, I see no reason why one should feel so 'bored' in IITD!!! :P

Abhilasha said...

Another IITian going mad, like I am.
Disha told me about you. You must be in Kailash.
Take my word, Himadri is NO better.
But we do get breakfast.
And, well, I know all of those points by heart now. The only consolation is that I can run back to my house quite often. (Often = Thrice a week + Weekend :P)
Yes, there's nothing like home. :(
Oh, what the hell, there's no ragging either, that would make the stay a LITTLE eventful..

I sympathise. :)

The Hedonistaah said...

@ The Local Anesthetic: Come to think of it, even I don't get time to 'think'. I am so busy doing nothing. Or cribbing. To myself. I am loyal to my institute, y'know. :P
And plus, I dont feel so bored now. I have settled, a tad bit. Just one more class now, and then weekend!! Hallelujah.

PS - I love the sound of novocaine. You should have it in your blog URL, instead of your name. Because for one, it sounds Gawjus, and two, anybody can access your blog if you have your name printed like that. :)

@ Lasha: Hun, I AM in Himadri, and I've seen you day in, day out, well almost. :) We get breakfast, but I don't get time. :D And yes, I agree. Mr. ragging, where art thou?

suyash said...

yeah, i totally agree.. college life is nowhere close to that imagined/ shown in movies or talked about by graduates.. but may be we will start liking it here in some time, and by the end of five years, these may be 'the best days of our lives'.. am i being over hopeful?
but there sre so many things you didn't have to learn.. like
1) to survive with a five hour rest, the blog gave me the impression that you have free time ('i study because i have nothing else to do').. you study when you should be sleeping?
2) if you sleep only five hours per day, what makes you skip breakfast.. do you sleep at 2 in the night? or do you sleep at 11, get up at 4, and then spend the rest of the time decorating yourself to look good for the super-nice guys out here
3) why do you have to wear clothes inside the shower or give up your dettol addiction?
is this blog the only medium through which i get to know what is happening in your life? :( like everything else, gotta accept this change too
anyway be cheerful, iitd rocks! or may be it will start rocking in some time

The Hedonistaah said...

@ 'su'- I honestly had zero expectations from college so it wasn't realy my usual case of the 'Great Expectations'. Anyway, it doesn't feel that bad now. I ate out today and you know that's therapy for me, like shopping. :D
The studying thing was true for the first couple of days, now am bored of acads too. I just can't sleep at night and that's what accounts for the 5 hour sleep.
I get dressed in less than 15 minutes, which includes the shower, so its not that. :P
I have to wear my clothes in the shower 'cause the towel gown makes me feel hot. Temperature wise, that is. :)
And well, there's no Dettol kept at the basins in here, and am too lazy, and that's what made me break up my torrid affair with La Dettol.
I know what you mean, I was talking to MM yesterday and she was saying the same thing. Emo mat ho, we'll talk, someday. :P
IITD does rock, but after today's presentation, I am pretty pissed off with the guys here. And also the DnD Secy. He has totally lost our respect for, like, ever.
And the Beedi video was quite gross.
Anyhoo, haffun, and keep me posted. :)

Novocaine said...

First year at college is like your first job - It does not matter. You won't end up doing anything grand(maybe). People run around so worried about 'jobs' and 'internships' and 'posts' and bla bla from their first years...

Little does anyone realize that all this does not matters.

What does matter although are the ethics and principals you develop(for e.g. you try to 'understand' the course howsoever easy may it be to practise 'academic balumia')

Everyone at IIT is like a diamond in the dust - but those who make good use of their initial years are chosen and pushed upwards while others fade into oblivion...

Disclaimer: This is just what I think...

PS: I just happen to like the song 'Novacaine' by Bon Jovi...and hence the name...but I would think of your suggestions...