Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bad piece, I know. I just had to write something today.

Venturing into forbidden territories was like her forte. And the hyperboloidal paraboloid roof above Dogra Hall was her most favourite place in the whole world. And standing there with her most favourite person in the world trying not to explode into one million pieces at what she knew was going to follow, was the most difficult thing she had done in a long long time. Tougher than learning those mammoth reactions. Tougher than integral calculus. And applied mechanics.
"I wait. Everyday. For a call which wouldn't be a call back. For a message which wouldn't be a reply."
"I like doing that."
"Cheap thrill?"
"No, I like making people wait."
"I could just jump off, and then you would have to wait. For eternity. In vain."
"Was that a threat?"
"You think I would kill myself for you?"
"Yeah, sorry, I know you won't."
"I just could."
"You don't mean it."
"I don't."
"Get lost!"
"Just because I won't die for you?"
"Alright, I understand, you love me so much you want me to die."
"You don't get it!"
"Oh yes, you and your sad old ideas of romance. And I am supposed to be the girl."
"Stop staring into space, say something!"
"How can you switch between hot and cold that swiftly?"
"Newton's Law of Cooling states that the rate of change of the temperature of an object is proportional to the difference between its own temperature and the ambient temperature."
"You've lost your sense of humor."
"Like I've lost you."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"You know it all, pretty damned well."
"Don't complicate things."
"Don't run away."
"Am not going anywhere."
"I wish you weren't."
"You know what I say about relationships. They don't end, they just evolve..."
"..into silences."
"Into silences."


Disha said...

I thought you wrote like me.

But how can I even compare myself with you.
That'd be an insult.
To you.
(because. dude. BECAUSE! Read it again! You'll understand. :D)

Can't wait to pick up a book by you someday down the years..
and realize.. OH! Shuvi wrote this :)
And then I'll show my kids your name and say, she used to be my blog buddy :D

The Hedonistaah said...

Okay, that did get me 'rocking and reeling'.
Geez. Thank you. That was like the profuse-est it could get.


And wow.

And I know that was an 'over-exaggeration', but still, got me all :D. So, :D.

Novocaine said...

---> currently this blog post is being copied for my creative writing assignment <---

The Hedonistaah said...

But you could have taken one of the better ones!

Unknown said...

nice one...i sometimes find myself wondering why you love writing on such topics

The Hedonistaah said...

Maybe because they are easy?

Abhilasha said...

I could see a bit of myself in there you know..
So superbly written.
Although I don't have a favourite person to be with, yet :P

Abhilasha said...

I could see a bit of myself in there you know..
So superbly written.
Although I don't have a favourite person to be with, yet :P

The Hedonistaah said...


So the one you hold hands with at 'after midnight' is not your favourite person? :O
Don't hate me,
Mucho Love,

Abhilasha said...

You're hated to the power infinity. :/
No. Not a favourite person. :|
Not HIM :P