Friday, October 23, 2009

Of Earthquakes, Fat-ness, My Roomie and other Scary Things

Its official. There was an earthquake last night. I, obviously, couldn't feel it. [There are few things which can distance me and my food, and me and my sleep. Slob, yes.] But my roommates were nice enough to wake me up as they ran. Now, I, having experienced the 2001 Gujarat earthquake, and all the aftershocks that came with it, get totally jittery and panicky with the quake thing. Plus, waking up to screams and the sound of people running, is very very scary. So when everybody collected, all excited and chatty, in my wing, me and my roommate(thankfully as much of a sissy as I am) stood holding hands, and shaking so much like the quake was still on.
After the whole tujhe-feel-hua?-mujhe-feel-hua! gossip, we returned to bed, almost on the verge of crying. And the third roommate with her weird morbid ideas of 'when death has to come, it will' and 'why are you scared of death, its an experience' did nothing to help our cause.

But then its Himadri, right? And there is something to smile about whatever the case.[Touchwood]

Girl 1: "I felt it. It was very very strong. Severe enough to wake me up from sleep, and guess what I woke up to, the cupboard swinging violently!"
Me and Roommate: *shudder*
Rest of the girls: :O :O :O "Hawwwww".
Girl 2 *apparently embarrassed at being one-upped in sensitivity*:" I felt it too. I woke up too."
Me and Roommate: *shudder*
Girl 3 *You should know who she is*: "Yaar, mujhe to feel nahi hua. I was sitting here filing my nails, they haven't even fallen, see see."
Me and Roommate: *shudder*
Girl 1 *trying to steal the thunder back*: "But we were in the room opposite to yours, how come we felt it and you didn't?"
Me and Roommate: *shudder*
Girl 3: "Arey there is something about epicentres na. Your room could have been one!". And she was totally serious, it was incredible.
Me: *tries to catch people laughing*
Me: *tires of searching in vain*
Me: *goes back to shuddering with The Roommate*


In further news(:D), like you might already have noticed, I am bursting at the seams. And so, after pensive introspection, I have decided to give up rice. And have been pretty much successful. No rice lunch-dinner-yesterday and lunch-today. But I kinda more than made up for it, and totally defeated the effort, by having 5 Jalebis for dessert. F-I-V-E Jalebis. There was a time, the very sight of those made me puke-y. IIT has made a monster out of me. I was the thin girl. People used to look at me and go *sigh*. But then. Times change. People change. I just never thought it could have this 'getting wider' connotation.


As a parting comment, I leave you with something very insightful my roomie had to say yesterday. My roomie and insightful are not even in the same zip code, and this was one of those rare 'Eureka' moments, so do give it the attention and astute appreciation it deserves.

"The President of the United States? I know I know. Hold on. Um...Obama Bin Laden?! Haina Haina??"





suyash said...

an earthquake you didn't even feel scared you to the verge of crying? the conversation among the girls was hilarious.. and so was osama bin laden. you are not bursting at the seams, its just some of your clothes to seem to be bursting at the seams when you get inside them :P so 'chill maar' and eating five jalebis i okay. know what, your blog posts are a joy to read

The Hedonistaah said...

And people commenting is a joy for the author.

Hear one, hear all.


The Hedonistaah said...
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Abhilasha said...

What a post, really.
Your experiences at IIT-D must be grabbed, and IMMEDIATELY published, I'm friggingserious.
I didn't feel it either, and I WASN'T filing my nails :P
Who, who? Tell, tell?
I was just trying to GUESS, all through the post, who you were talking about at each point. Will discuss this in person ;D
And, OMG. Obama Bin Laden???
Like, that steals away MY reputation of THE IGNORANT. I mean, WHO the hell was THAT?
And PLEASSE. You're one skinny-but-won't-agree female. Like me :P
And just TELL me, HOW can you give up rice? Isn't that like, refusing to smile in life? RICE, for heaven's sake.
Have a little, exert a little.
Pleej. Don't make yourself suffer so much on the food front, as IIT does that part very well.
Could I write ANYTHING more on your post? :)
I SO loved it. Muah. :)

The Hedonistaah said...

Heh. I know. I get to meet such exceptional people here. Though not in the way people would expect, on account of us being the 'IIT'ians.

Haha, won't say. Not yet.

I so WISH i was skinny. I have given up rice, right, three days now, like you yourself put it, refused to 'smile in life'. I am very very serious about the fat thing. And very very desperate to get back. I will probably give up the sweets in dessert if I don't see results in the next couple of weeks. *sigh* If only I would put that much effort and dedication to more important things..!


PS - Nobody commented on the title, that was my favourite part of the post! And rather funny, IMHO. :P

Novocaine said...

Mostly inflation is speculative, but speculation is what makes it seem real...

menu123 said...

There you (your posts rather) go delving into the depths of my subconscious again...I was the thin girl too!! sob, sob, SOB!

The Hedonistaah said...

And you know what the sad part is, every day I decide to not have the sweet they give us in the mess. And deliberately, very determinedly try to not look at whatever they have on offer. But this guy by the side always always has to go 'Ma'm, Insert-name-of-sweet-here nahi chahiye?', and then I don't have the heart to say no to the poor guy. Sheesh.