Friday, August 14, 2009

Blah, blah and more blahs.


I've had this conversation a lot of times this past fortnight:

Random Person In Hostel: Are you an only child?
Me: Yeah. Howdyuknow?
Random Person In Hostel: You look all cute, and you know, pampered.
Me: Uh, um, is that a good thing? Looking pampered?
Random Person In Hostel: Haha.

Hear one, hear all. When I ask you a question, I want an answer. Do NOT Laugh, and if am talking to you online, do not LOL or :) or :D or anyfunnystuff like that. Because maybe I look like a kid(Yes, I have been told that by 3126 people in the insti. And its been just 4 weeks. Imagine!) and thus you might be compelled to take all my questions in jest, but I actually, totally, am serious all the time(mostly), and I HAAAAATE being called a kid, I've had enough, please. I mean it. I am turning 18 in 11 days. Please? PLEASE?


Ever since I've come home, Mum-Dad are like, 'Kitni patli ho gayi!!'. Which makes me thing exactly how fat I was earlier. Geez.


Why do you need to tell somebody you love them? Why can't they just...understand?


I get terribly awkward and embarrassed at times, and I've been asked, by my *having-our-best-interests-at-heart* seniors, to not look at seniors so much while walking around the insti, and guess who do I turn to in times of such solid distress. My Cell phone! So the next time you see me busy typing furiously on my cell, don't think am messaging, am just locking and unlocking the keypad.


Something I've been noticing over the past few months(years?) is that people don't usually reply when you say Sorry. Another funny thing is that they say 'Its okay' when you say Thank You. Not that its wrong, but really, its been like one hundred fifty seven days since anybody said 'Welcome' or 'My pleasure' to me. And there was this guy in my chem lab class who went all 'Its alright. Don't mind. My pleasure. No problem' when I said Thank You for having borrowed his pen. Gives an entirely new definition to etiquette. Or maybe its just over-enthu? He must have been from the Aravali hostel, their chant goes 'Ara ka enthu high hai'. *Starts fiddling with her cell*. Ok, I understand its not funny. This point was totally random, but its 1 am at night, what else do you expect?


I realised when I'm really really happy, I sing. And sing really well, or so I would like to believe. And your opinion on this issue is so not solicited. :P


I am neck-deep in shit. Work, I mean. Work = Shit, pretty much. And the weekend is going to be over soon. Monday ko professors ko kya muh dikhaungi? :(


Ra, sweetheart, am sorry, okay? I'll make it up to you. Which reminds me, I have a lot of making up to do, to lots of people. Sigh.


Skywalker said...

just dropped by your blog randomly...nice post telling your feelings about being called a kid during start of college..just takeit as a compliment and no need to bother about it

Abhilasha said...

I don't think you like like a kid. Infact, when I read your blog (before I met you), I had this completely different perception of what you'd look like. And that perception was 'like' a cute little kid.
I was in for a surprise.
So be happy :)

And okay, I'm not giving you any more smileys on FB chat! :(
They offend you!!

And sigh, I was the whole world was telepathic..Things would be so much simpler na?

And ditto. The cellphone has become such a companion for me these days. If I have no one around, and I have to walk that stretch to that hostel, it's the cellphone I turn to.
So, moral of the story is: We're all the same. Adjusting.
(You can text me anytime, I ALMOST always reply. But donot call me. I ALMOST never talk. :|)
That way, you'd BE furiouslt texting ME!

The Hedonistaah said...

Thank you, Lasha. But its not just in here, everybody at my previous school called me a 'bachhi' too. :(

Smileys don't offend me, but when somebody avoids an answer or sends a smiley when I am expecting a proper reply, me don't like.

And here, we differ. I hate texting. I love phone calls. <3<3<3. Itna love. :P :D

Abhilasha said...

Oh, really? :(
Well, tell me about it. You should be thankful to God that you don't have a physique like mine. Else you'd have gone MAD. I have just stopped counting the glares I get when I tell people I'm in college. The glare clearly says, 'Oh, thank God I'm taller than her!'

And really? Well, then we differ. Greatly. I hate talking on the phone, unless it's that one best friend of mine.

Am I not just too good? I reply to anything and everything. :)
Or maybe I'm just super vella. Lol.

The Hedonistaah said...

You're super sweet.